Tooltip Editor

A UI developer tool for visually designing in-game tooltips.

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The tooltips appear whenever the player hovers over an object with a Collider or a UI element on a Unity Canvas that also contains this component. This tool came about after meeting with the UI/UX team for a project I was working on for Boise State University's College of Innovation and Design. After hearing the team talk about the need to standardize how UI looked and behaved within a virtual space I decided to take on the task of creating a tooltip system. After spending a few hours agonizing over trying to create tooltip behavior using Unity’s built in components I decided to completely scrap using Unity’s built in components and just build my own. The UI team gave me a list of design options that the tooltip designer would ideally support and you can see them demonstrated in the live preview here.

The designer supports custom fonts and fade in/fade out animation curves. I used Unity's IMGUI system since it works across all of Unity's rendering pipelines, allowing the tool to be used by as many people as possible. The core feature of the editor is the real time visual preview shown in the Editor itself that mimics the in game tooltip popup. The visual designer also supports a preview of the fade animations.